
Looking to grow in a career path that develops your experience in legal and financial services? From marketing and sales, to client services, to business adminstration, The National List of Attorneys (The NL) is a great place for self-motivated talent to shine. Here's why.

A Team You Can Be Proud Of

When you join The NL, you join a diverse, dynamic, innovative team of professionals who are passionate about advancing the state of the art for our legal and financial clients, with the vision of helping people get fairly paid for the work they've done. 

Fully Remote Work Environment

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, The NL upgraded its systems and infrastructure to support an entirely remote workforce.  Work from home, work on the road, work from the beach if you want. Our team can get the job done from anywhere there's a high-speed internet connection.

Flexible Work Schedules

The NL is all about delivering results, not how long you can sit at your desk. Most positions here allow you to choose the work schedule that suits you best. Whether your creative streak starts at midnight or you have family obligations mid-afternoon, it's no problem! The NL supports a schedule that supports you.

Current Open Positions

The following positions are currently open:

  • All positions are currently filled


To apply for an open position, please send your resume to

The National List of Attorneys is an Equal Opportunity Employer, drug free workplace, and complies with ADA regulations as applicable.
